Web Development
Gold Coast

Recommendations for a functional website
The decision of your domain name is a key consideration. No longer is it necessary to have multiple domain names. There are less SEO factors than previously. Choose your provider carefully. We manage domains for clients free of charge to ensure they are not sent bogus invoices and they do not loose a domain name due to an email error.
We help clients setup emails for free. Email is vital to a functioning business. Spam filters can interfere with email delivery. Sending automated emails from a website requires key considerations. You may have an email expert you use. We can co-ordinate with experts to ensure your website is not detrimental to your email process. Or alternatively we can setup simple hosting based emails or retain a functional gmail email whilst still managing an effective website.
Sending an auto-generated email based on the specifics of a user enquirey adds a personal touch to a website.
Hosting affects the speed and quality of your site. It is a key SEO factor. With our ongoing SEO clients we provide secure high quality hosting free. Our servers are expertly managed secure private servers. By managing our own servers, there is less interference from a typical shared service. We maintain security by not allowing any access to outsiders to this system, thus reducing downtime and allow fast maintenance. We never charge fees just to keep your site "updated".
A working relationship with our hosting partners allows our servers to maintain a signifiant advantage over typically shared servers.
Using Google Analytics for SEO is important in analysing your visitors. "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it". Google Analytics must be setup with you as the owner. You can manage access to others.
Click and impression information helps analyse pages that are working well or could work better. You can analyse which search terms and which pages are effective. Google Search Console must be setup with you as the owner. You can manage access to others.
Google does not give information about its algorithm but declares Relevance, Distance and Prominence factor in results. Google My Business must be setup with you as the owner. You can manage access to others. Be wary of unscrupulous competitors in the Google My Business maps section. Sometimes incorrect information is derived or submitted on your behalf. The landscape in Google My Business changes regularly. Good SEO practises can enhance your account.
Check which social media accounts are available for your brand or your business name. Social media accounts like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can add value to your overall marketing strategy. To varying degrees social media has an effect on SEO. SEO is proven to be the most effective internet marketing.
Web development provides an opportunity to align technology with business. The magic happens when they combine to make dramatic improvements to business performance.
Responsive Website Design refers to a website that displays effectively on various screen sizes. The code and the system behind (back-end) matters. Who and how that is managed can make a huge difference.
Successful eCommerce can be the end result of all the above factors (Recommendations for a functional website) combining to produce a revenue stream. We have an eCommerce formular that works exceptionally well. 100% success rate, with some Australia wide #1 sites.
We look for a competitive advantage, also a barrier to competition can also be an added bonus. Our eCommerce systems will help you increase income with litle risk. One key criteria for effective eCommerce is the business experience of the operator. You do not need eCommerce experience, we provide that.
We develop our own unique eCommerce platform including Shopping Carts. By combining eCommerce with SEO we have very cost effective solutions that out perform one size fits all systems.
Special Offer pay $0 Hosting Fees and $0 SEO fees until you sell.
Our features and prices
Features of a site created by us.
Creative ideas
Everything starts with an idea.
Built for SEO
We have unique systems and a unique style of coding a site with SEO in mind from the outset. Every page is optimised for both speed and SEO.
Fully responsive
Your site will be viewed on multiple devices with different screen sizes. Modern grid systems like Bootstrap allow code to be written once and presented on many devices well.
Fast clean code
Coders since 1996 - we validate your code against current standards and optimise for speed.
Our own commercial servers with back-up and reliability. Unique spam detection and prevention.
Modern design
Don't make me think! Web design for visitors who may have been on a screen all day.
- Custom Site
- Unlimited pages
- Unique Design/Product Structure
- Built for SEO
- Advanced Competitor Analysis
- Shopping Cart
- Email Marketing
- Stripe Payment Systems (Secure)
- Custom PDF
- Built to W3C standards
- FREE Personal Ongoing Support/Monitoring
- Direct access to developer Gold Coast
- FREE Security Updates for life of site
- FREE Hosting for SEO clients*
web development focus
Our approach uses our 25+ years of web development to your advantage. The first step is to find a niche to give you a competitive advantage. We are web development and Gold Coast SEO agency based in Main Beach.
Your entire site can be managed by 1 person and only 1 login.
Does that sound like a better way to manage your website?
Get Started
Shopping Carts
We create custom shopping carts to enhance SEO and help generate sales. Phil's lecturing background includes 13 years of User Interface Design. Our Payment Gateway of choice is Stripe, no monthly fees and a variety of integrations. You only have to lease directly with us.
Image Manager v4
Our inhouse created BLOG + admin dashboard back-end, designed to improve SEO. Easily manage images (Audio, YouTube, Podcasts, Short Links, Emails, Membership and Booking Systems too). The ultimate 'Blog'. Built with enterprise level, secure, write once run anywhere Java.
Custom Websites
Our preference is to combine a really well written font-end style with our back-end (Image Manager v4). For the technically minded: Bootstrap 5 (Responsive CSS), jQuery with emphasis on fast, valid HTML 5. Using enterprise level Java and JSP. Latest web projects.
Advanced Hosting
Our hosting partners are the best in the business. Serving up page after page on secure, backed-up servers. We use multiple servers in different strategic locations (3 continents). On the rare occasion something goes wrong we fix it immediately. Speed and reliability beyond typical 'shared hosting'.
Full Stack Web Developer - Gold Coast
definition: A full-stack web developer is proficient in both front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) development. This means they can handle the whole development process, from designing the user interface to managing databases and server configurations.
The SEO advantage of being a full stack Web Developer
A full stack Web Developer has the following skills-:
1 Front-end languages (HTML/CSS)
2 Back-end (programming) Languages like Java
3 JavaScript
4 Database Management Skills
5 Design Skills
8 Knowledge of Web Architecture
9 Version control or a source control system

Soft Skills
Soft skills like Problem-solving skills, Effective communication skills, Creativity, Patience, An eye for detail, Analytical skills and even Leadership skills round off a full stack developer.
Often it is the right attitude that gets results. If we are open to communicate well with our clients, together we can achieve that magic result.
Our Website Creation Process
Just getting a site template and changing the words is not how we do web development.
We start with a brilliant flexible modern design. It is pre-built by a design team who can produce far more than any single developer ever could.
The comprehensive documentation allows us to take that pre-defined look and use the features of the design to really enhance your business.
We only choose designs built with Bootstrap, a CSS framework that reduces time and adds consistency.
This means we can look at your code and know the functionality behind the page.
Choices like colour, menu items, which products or services to include in the main menu and footer menu are the next considerations.
We test the various components available to familiarise how the components adapt (responsive design) to different device screen sizes.
It is important to comply with W3C validation standards. Standards matter because any new browser or device will be built to a standard.
Notes are taken on any changes to the standard supplied by the designers.
We always know the variations we have added to the core design and your particular site.
Form validation and JavaScript's are tested to ensure no glitches across browsers. Our spam filters eliminate the need for cryptic guessing games.
We then mould the design on top of our in-house back-end systems.
This means that your data can be displayed on a variety of designs, now and in the future.
We go through the code line by line to reduce any unnecessary (unused) scripts.
Each page is crafted to only use the code necessary on that page. This reduces load times.
Web Development Process
SEO - Search Engine Optimisation
When we create a site, it is made with Search Engine Optimisation in mind. Even if a client chooses not to initiate monthly SEO, the site is still made to enhance performance in search engines.
To get a full understanding of how we apply SEO refer to our main-:
SEO Page
Research your Competition
We thoroughly research your competition and the likelihood of your success.
Our advanced SEO software allows deep analysis of any site including competitors.
Images created or purchased for the site are compared to other industry images used. Google Images is a powerful entity. It provides a rich source of research on which images are popular.
All content is 100% original. If using a stock image we ensure it is not used by a direct competitor.
When all of the factors listed above work in unison, your site is competitively better than your competition, especially in its construction.
Consider that Google is aware of the the quality of content and design features of a website. The payload of a site is obvious when Google crawls the site.
The uniqueness of content is clearly obvious.
The choice is to have a site that is better than your competitors.
Any enhancements and adjustments to content play a role in how Google assess the quality of your site.
Hence a poorly made site may appear acceptable to some, it will not advance in Google or convert visitors to customers as well as an advanced site made by us.
Experience Counts
As I am a multi-skilled developer with over 25 years experience. I have economy of scale and experience advantages over "digital agencies" that typically have higher overheads and larger teams.
A Gold Coast SEO and Web Developer