This is a simple tool that puts the real cost per transaction for a standard online payments system. Use this to calculate based on estimated volumes of sales how much in fees/costs you pay.
Below are some standard bank charges - provided to me by a Payment Gateway I use. When I asked the question can you get my clients a better deal than if they contact the bank direct they said yes. Establishment Fee: $110 (once off) Min Service Fee: $22 each month or the CC rate whichever is greater Participation Fee: $22.00 Per month Credit Card Rate: 1.233% MSF Cancellation Fee: $550 within first 3 years and $104.50 After 3 years Note: You can weave these figures into the Payment Gateway Comparison Tool which is primarily about trying to calculate what % of your sale goes in fees based on estimated sales. Also there are cheaper options from some banks however if that option lands your client away from your site - statistically you will have a reduced rate of sales. Any solution (shopping cart etc) that does not reduce distractions or consistency will cost you sales. For my clients I like to create custom shopping carts that are tweaked to improve the rate of sales per visitor. I also combine search engine optimization techniques to improve the visitor rate and quality of a site.
Philip Hoile has lectured at Griffith University in e-business, advanced e-business, e-commerce and User Interface Design. A web developer since 1996 specialising in programming website Content Management Systems. My interest in web marketing stems from a desire to improve client outcomes.
Disclaimer Information is presented here that may go out of date or expresses an opinion. This does contain information from sources I have an association with (i.e. I use thier services)
Payment Gateways in Australia» Instant Payment Gateway» iPhone Payment Gateway» Website Security» Payment Gateway Comparison Tool» Payment Gateway Case Studies» Setting Up a PayPal Account» How to setup a Shopping Cart with Paypal»